建议先制作mulligan文件,完成后会自动生成一份_mulliganMyCards.txt文件,内容是你卡组里的卡牌代码,然后mulligan制作教程帖的下载包里有一份cardimg文件,需要放进HE辅助文件里,是各种卡牌图片 代码 英文名的资料,combo制作时需要 Ctrl+F 查看卡牌用到。
BRM_020,0;CS2_004,0;bonus:100;hero:priest //龙人巫师+真言术:盾
BRM_020,0;nxttrn;CS2_004,0;bonusfirst:0;bonussecond:50;hero:priest //龙人巫师+真言术:盾
BRM_020,0;GVG_010,0;bonus:60;hero:priest //龙人巫师+维纶的恩泽
BRM_020,0;nxttrn;CS2_004,0;bonusfirst:0;bonussecond:30;hero:priest //龙人巫师+真言术:盾
GVG_011,50;CS2_234,0;bonus:75;hero:priest //缩小射线工程师+暗言术:痛
GVG_011,50;EX1_091,0;bonus:75;hero:priest //缩小射线工程师+秘教暗影祭司
GAME_005,0;AT_116,0;nxttrn;BRM_004,0;bonusfirst:50 ;bonussecond:100;hero:priest //幸运币+龙眠教官+暮光雏龙
这里的combo不是有其中一张就一直放手里等另一张,而是两张都在手牌时连续使用 或者 有一张在场上 另一张抽到时会优先使用 出combo
出招英雄hero 德鲁伊:druid、战士:warrior、术士:warlock、骑士:pala、法师:mage、猎人:hunter、牧师:priest、盗贼:thief、萨满:shaman
// play with these settings###################################
int enfacehp = 15; // 允许英雄用武器打脸的敌人最低血量
int mxwde = 3000; // numer of boards which are taken to the next deep-lvl
bool playaround = false; // 主动引出敌人的群伤卡牌
// these two parameters(probs) are value between 0 and 100 (0 <= Your_Value <= 100)
int playaroundprob = 50; //* probability where the enemy NOT plays the aoe-spell: 100 - enemy never plays aoe-spell, 0 - always uses
int playaroundprob2 = 80; // probability where the enemy plays the aoe-spell, and your minions will survive: 100 - always survive, 0 - never(survival depends on their real HP)
int twotsamount = 0; // number of boards where the second AI step is simulated
int amountBoardsInEnemyTurnSim = 40; // number of enemy boards calculated in enemys-first-turn first AI step (lower than amountBoardsInEnemyTurnSimSecondStep)
int amountBoardsInEnemyTurnSimSecondStep = 200; // number of enemy boards calculated in enemys-first-turn second AI step(higher than amountBoardsInEnemyTurnSim)
int nextturnsimDeep = 10;
int nextturnsimMaxWidth = 20;
int nexttunsimMaxBoards = 160;
int ImprovedCalculations = 1; // 0 - disabled(for old PCs), 1 - enabled
bool secrets = true; // 主动触发敌人的奥秘
int alpha = 50; // weight of the second turn in calculation (0<= alpha <= 100)
HREngine.Bots.Settings.Instance.simulatePlacement = false; //rudiment!!! set this true, and ai will simulate all placements, whether you have a alpha/flametongue/argus
上一篇: 《兄弟辅助第一期:暗黑各职业最牛B的策略》下一篇: 炉石策略发帖模版